Airsoft Gear

Airsoft Gear

What is a Canadian paintball store doing selling airsoft gear?

Have you ever wondered if Canada's #1 paintball store is a legitimate source for airsoft guns and gear? It is important to know that Badlands was selling airsoft guns long before many airsoft stores were even founded. That's right. Back in the late 1990's, Badlands sold airsoft guns and our company's owners and staff all played airsoft. The current velocity limits on airsoft did not exist at that time, so Tokyo Marui guns were the mainstay and the go-to airsoft brand. We held airsoft games at Paintball City, and many airsoft groups in the Toronto area would rent Paintball City for indoor airsoft games. That was until the Canadian government changed the laws and only allowed airsoft guns to be imported that had transparent plastic bodies. At that time, the airsoft guns available became cheap and less attractive to players, and the growing airsoft scene died down.

Badlands Paintball Canada is also an Airsoft Store

Sometime around 2012 the laws in Canada governing airsoft changed, and Badlands once again began selling airsoft guns. We opened Canada's first paintball store in 1988, and shooting sports have been at the core our business for more than 35 years. We believe that airsoft and paintball are complementary sporting activities that can exist happily side-by-side. Badlands, as the dominant paintball supplier in Canada, has helped grow the sport of airsoft by introducing airsoft to legions of paintball enthusiasts. We have supported and encouraged the dealers that we supply to carry airsoft equipment, and we actively participated alongside the airsoft community in fighting Bill C21. Many airsoft players play airsoft at outdoor paintball parks, as there is a definite lack of airsoft playing facilities on the scale seen in the paintball industry. 

Badlands has invested heavily in Airsoft, as anyone can see when they visit our stores in Toronto and Calgary, with close to half our space being dedicated to airsoft. We import airsoft gear from overseas by the container load, so we are not simply dabbling in the sport. Yes, our website is named, but changing a #1 ranking URL like ours would never make sense, even it if could more accurately be named

Badlands Paintball Canada is a great source for Airsoft Guns and Gear

With our commitment and investment into growing the sport of airsoft in Canada, Badlands offers a great assortment of Canada legal airsoft rifles, pistols, and accessories. Our focus is on quality airsoft brands that offer good product support at competitive prices.

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